Central Executive Board
Jenin Calls: 75 Years of Israeli Zionist Crimes Continue Unpunished
Heavy armed aggression is undergoing in occupied Jenin, West Bank, Palestine. Zionist troops are massacring Palestinians, demolishing their houses and properties, and terrorizing men, women and children.
Generations of Zionist criminals have been perpetrating those flagrant acts of violence with impunity before the silenced United Nations and international community.
The Israeli Zionists are Criminals, the Occupiers, the Aggressors, the Robbers of Palestinian lands, the Children Killers, the Terrorists.
We make no demand from the United Nations as this body has time and again failed to protect the Palestinian people.
We call upon all world citizens to continue working to stop the Criminals.
We call upon all Muslims to continue accomplishing their Rabbaniyah and Nabawiyyah tasks towards the liberation of Masjidil Aqsa, the City of Baitul Maqdis, and the Palestinian Land.
History has told us that only by liberating Palestinians and restoring Baitul Maqdis or Jerusalem to its rightful position as the capital of law and justice, will peace prevail.
It is a Test. May we pass it successfully.
Jakarta, 6 July 2023
Nashirul Haq, Chairman