
Hidayatullah Demands the Indian Government to Correct the Behavior of Its People Towards Islam and Muslims

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Following serial insinuations, provocative and brutal actions carried out towards Muslims by groups of people in India for the past six months, yesterday the world watched the lower quality of India. A spokeperson of the Indian ruling party, an aid of the Indian Prime Minister, insulted The Messenger of Allah Nabi Muhammad ﷺ.

In the world where nations seek for peace and peaceful resolution for every conflict, ones wonder what are the goals that the Indian government and statesmen expect as the results of the latest development in their country.

Hidayatullah as part of Indonesian nation demands Indian government and the Indian society leaders to take serious actions to stop the country from the brink of national chaos. Correct the hostile behavior of Indian individuals or groups towards Muslims and Islam before it is too late.

Indonesian Muslims as the majority in this country have been maintaining peaceful life with their Hindu neighbors and friends. Tensions occurred but we realize that respecting each other is for the benefit of every member of the nation. Those who express religious hatred are being corrected by its own people and hostile actions are subject to legal punishment.

Indian government and Indian statesmen must not delay to stop these negative developments in your country. We believe you can.

Jakarta, June 7th, 2022

Nashirul Haq, PhD

Candra Kurnianto
Secretary General

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